Boyscout Abuse
Find out how much money could be owed for pain, suffering, emotional, and economic damages.
Boy Scout Claims
The Boy Scouts of America has long been one of the most admired organizations in the United States. However, recent news accounts and claims against it have shaken it to its core. The Boy Scouts’ legacy will forever be changed. Thousands of former Boy Scouts are stepping forward to tell the story of what happened to them.
Because of the sensitivity of these matters, all survivor names and information will be kept in the strictest confidence.

Strict Confidence
Because of the sensitivity of these matters, all survivor names and information will be kept in the strictest confidence.
Where Will the Money Come From?
The Boy Scouts of America’s holdings are estimated to be over $1 billion, and the bankruptcy filing will give victims the chance to submit claims against those assets. The deadline for filing claims has not yet been announced but is likely to be within the next one-to-two years.
Register Now
Though the Boy Scouts’ core principles have long been to teach boys to be helpful to others, physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight, the organization’s leadership failed its children by not holding to those values themselves. Countless lives were damaged or destroyed as a result. If you have been a victim of the Boy Scouts of America’s failures, registered today to ensure yourself the ability to get the compensation that you deserve.