Alvin, Texas

Danziger & De Llano, LLP
2197 TX-35 Loop, Suite 1a
Alvin TX 77511
Tel: 713-222-9998
Toll-Free: 866-222-9990
FAX: 713-222-8866

Larry Gates

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Larry Gates

I was born and raised near the refineries in Pasadena, Texas. Like most adults in the area, my Dad worked at Shell and trained as an instrument technician and chemical operator. My parents had five children each of us learned the importance of hard work and honesty.

I played varsity football, baseball, and tennis and attended Sam Rayburn High School. After graduation, I went on to get a degree from Sam Houston State College and opened my own business. In 1999, my Father was diagnosed with a type of cancer I had never heard of called Mesothelioma. The next few months of his life were difficult to watch, and we were helpless to stop his decline as he slowly withered away.

Our family had no idea that “Dad” had been repeatedly exposed to asbestos products at work and at home. We all would learn how common asbestos was in the workplace and that his employers knew it was dangerous but didn’t tell him.

Although this event was tragic for our family, it changed my life. I now enjoy assisting other families affected by this horrible disease. It would make my Dad proud to know that I can help others get the medical and financial assistance they desperately need and deserve.

Danziger & De Llano, LLP.

2197 TX-35 Loop, Suite 1a Alvin, TX 77511
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