David Foster

David looks forward to helping each and every family that he talks to. It is by far and away the most rewarding job I've ever had.

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About Me

My father was a dentist by trade but purchased a working farm when I was 8 years old. From that day forward, my brothers, sisters, and I were given work assignments to tend to the animals, crops, and machinery. There was always something to do, which kept us busy daily. We gained a sense of responsibility and understood the importance of hard work and working together. Along the way, I also learned I had a talent for building things and was granted a full scholarship to college as a teaching assistant in cabinet making and industrial arts. This opportunity allowed me to obtain a Bachelor degree in Animal Science and a Master's degree in Plant Science. I started work on a PhD in marine biology at the University of Oregon. Still, before I could finish, I was recruited by a pharmaceutical company to work in their science and marketing division. Over the next 15 years, I climbed up the corporate ladder to become a testing and product development manager.

In 1999, my father died of asbestos lung cancer. He was a good man, and we were not ready for him to go. My mom lost her partner, I lost a mentor, and my children will never have the opportunity to meet their beloved grandpa who wanted to build them wooden toys or cedar chests. He died way too early, and it changed me and my family forever. Shortly after he passed, I decided to make a career change and was fortunate to meet Paul Danziger and Rod DeLlano, owners of the Danziger & DeLlano law firm. They had been helping victims of asbestos cancer for several years and decided to change their business model to become more client-centric. They asked me to help them shift the focus of their law firm to become more conscientious and compassionate. Over the last 15 years, Rod, Paul, and I have worked tirelessly to build a team of highly trained legal professionals who made our clients feel like their voices matter and that they were part of a family. From our lawyers to paralegals, our team was available 7 days a week to assist our clients and ensure they have the best medical and legal assistance possible. We have been recognized for our innovation, and many of our clients have graciously provided testimonials about our service level.

Our team members at Danziger & DeLlano all love what we do. We look forward to helping each and every family that we talk to. It is by far and away the most rewarding job any of us have ever had. Many of us have lost loved ones to asbestos cancer, and every time I get a call from a family needing help, I think about the horrible way my dad died and how he suffered. I hope to continue advocating for asbestos cancer for many years to come.

david foster